LID Has a Plan to Elect Elizabeth Warren

A Plan to Elect Elizabeth Warren as we together Dream Big, Fight Hard, and Live Proud!

LID is proud to announce that our membership has endorsed Elizabeth Warren for President of the United States.  

As her first priority, Elizabeth Warren has a far-reaching plan to take on the corruption that plagues Washington, which is central to achieving all of our shared priorities. Warren also has a plan to drastically and rapidly increase access to healthcare for all and reduce healthcare costs, to ensure that all families can afford childcare, to eliminate college and technical school debt and give all access to a good higher education, and to bring real and lasting structural change to our economy. Marked by fairness and equality, Warren’s plans and priorities will most notably improve the lives of working people and those in need. 

Elizabeth Warren has clearly demonstrated that she understands the needs and challenges faced by the LGBTQ community. Importantly, Warren has repeatedly addressed the needs of – and the lack of basic safety and security for – transgender and gender non-conforming people, most notably people of color, in ways that no other candidate has done.  

And Elizabeth Warren has what it takes to unite our party and win in November. LID is proud to stand with her as we together Dream Big, Fight Hard, and Live Proud!  

“LID’s members keenly recognized who is the best choice for our community and can unite our diverse party to win,” said LID president Jared Arader. “Elizabeth Warren has spoken to – and about – our community in ways that no other candidate has done. LID deeply appreciates that support. We are committed to winning big in 2020 and will do all that we can to help Warren secure the nomination.”

A full list of LID’s endorsed candidates can be found on the 2020 Endorsements page.