Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn is the political voice of Brooklyn’s LGBTQ community. We strive to see LGBTQ people represented in all levels of Brooklyn politics, including elected office.

 LID 2025 Candidate Questionnaire

LID is Brooklyn’s only LGBTQIA+ political club. We pride ourselves on representing the LGBTQIA+ community in local politics, bringing politics home to our community, and ensuring that members of our community throughout Brooklyn are informed about candidates.

Per longstanding LID policy, candidates may appear without submitting a questionnaire. While discouraged, candidates may send a surrogate – but surrogates will only be permitted to speak if a questionnaire is submitted.

If you are interested in seeking LID’s endorsement please email

 Justin Brannan, He/Him
New York City Comptroller


1. Why do you want LID’s endorsement?

I have always been a proud ally of the LGBTQIA+ community both in the streets and behind

closed doors at City Hall. With the Trump administration relentlessly attacking hard-won

LGBTQIA+ rights, I want to work alongside LID (as I always have) to ensure New York City

remains a stronghold for equality. LID’s leadership and members are invaluable partners, and

together, we can build an unshakable firewall to protect our communities and advance

progress. We cannot go back. We need to keep pushing forward.

2. If you have previously held office, describe a time while elected that you advocated and

acted for the LGBTQIA+ community. If you have not held office, describe a time you have

advocated for the LGBTQIA+ community.

As Chair of the Committee on Finance, I’ve helped LGBTQIA+ non-profit organizations receive

more and more funding each budget I’ve negotiated. Additionally, I’ve sponsored legislation

requiring the administration for children’s services to report annually on the number of and

placement of LGBTQ+ foster youth as well as to collect LGBTQIA+ foster youth experience

surveys. I’ve also introduced legislation to create a division of LGBT youth services within the

department of health and mental hygiene.

3. Are you accepting campaign contributions from law enforcement or for profit real estate?

I am not accepting campaign contributions from law enforcement. Past donations from law

enforcement prior to 2019 have all been donated to Black-led ATI and criminal justice & police

reform organizations. I do accept personal donations from individuals who work in real estate

like brokers, etc. if I have a pre-existing relationship with them.

4. Has Mayor Eric Adams met the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community? Please include “yes” or

“no” in your answer.

No. Outside of lip service what has he done?

5. Are you committed to continuing and expanding city support for the Summer Youth

Employment Program Pride initiative (SYEP Pride)?

Absolutely! SYEP is a big priority for me and for the City Council.

6. How will you support and empower the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly at this time

when LGBTQIA+ rights, and transgender rights in particular, are under attack nationwide?

At a time when LGBTQIA+ rights, especially transgender rights, are under attack nationwide, we

need more than just words and allies; we need action. As Comptroller, I will ensure that the

organizations providing life-saving services to the LGBTQIA+ community get the resources they

need and that every dollar is spent effectively. No community should have to fight over crumbs,

especially when their rights and safety are on the line. I’ll use the power of the office to hold

agencies accountable, push for funding equity, and make sure NYC remains a safe, supportive

home for all LGBTQIA+ New Yorkers.

7. How will you support and empower marginalized Brooklynites?

Income inequality isn’t just the reason working people are still struggling to make ends meet -

it’s one of the greatest challenges facing our city and our nation. The best tool we have to fight

the effects of income inequality is the city budget, which can help improve the cost of living and

deliver vital programs that can make life easier for working people. A couple of ideas I have for

both the city budget and our $300 billion pension system include:

Diversifying Investments

As Comptroller, I’ll champion initiatives to strengthen Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs),

recognizing their critical role in providing banking services, loans, and access to capital in

historically neglected communities. These institutions are vital to job creation, fostering small

business growth, and building generational wealth in under-resourced neighborhoods. I also

believe the city's pension funds should reflect the diversity of the city they serve. I’m dedicated

to bringing more women and people of color into the ranks of pension fund managers, ensuring

that investment strategies benefit from a wide range of perspectives and expertise. By

supporting MDIs and prioritizing inclusive investment practices, we will help grow opportunity,

close wealth gaps, and lift up communities that have been overlooked for far too long.

Creating a First in the Nation Universal Childcare System

Raising a family in New York City can feel impossibly hard, and working families deserve real

solutions to the challenges they face. As Finance Chair, I’ve stood up against proposed cuts to

early childhood education and after-school programs, making sure working parents had the

support they needed. But more must be done. Universal childcare wouldn’t just be a

gamechanger for working families, it would be a game changer for our economy. I’ve been a

champion for creating a universal child care system for many years. As Comptroller, I’ll work to

identify the necessary funding to ensure that every family has access to high-quality childcare.

This bold initiative will help parents stay in the workforce, give children the foundation they

need to thrive, and make New York City a place where families can build their futures.

Protecting Public School Budgets

Education is the key to New York City’s future. I will use the power of the Comptroller’s office to

audit the New York City Department of Education and ensure every dollar spent enhances

classrooms, supports teachers, and improves outcomes for students. I’ll also work to expand

school-based services like mental health support and after-school programs to better serve

families and mandate arts and music instruction in every public school, ensuring students

receive a well-rounded education.

8. Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in safeguarding the social safety net for millions of

New Yorkers. Nonprofit organizations, including LGBTQIA+ community centers, are more than

contractors; they are essential partners in addressing homelessness, hunger, healthcare,

education, and more. However, chronic delays in city payments have left these organizations

on the brink of collapse, threatening the services our most vulnerable residents rely on every


Will you commit to prioritizing timely payments to nonprofits, working to break down

bureaucratic barriers that prevent timely payments, supporting financial stability for

nonprofits, and working to uphold our critical NYC safety net?

Absolutely. Nonprofits are the backbone of our city’s social safety net, and the chronic delays in

city payments are unacceptable. That’s why I’ve been fighting to fix this since becoming

Finance Chair in 2022. I’ve worked closely with the Human Services Council, introduced

legislation to hold the city accountable by forcing it to pay interest on loans nonprofits are forced

to take out due to delayed payments, and co-wrote an op-ed on this issue with Council Member

Althea Stevens—because this crisis cannot be ignored. As Comptroller, I will continue this fight

to ensure nonprofits get paid on time and are actually appreciated by our city for the invaluable

work they do for New Yorkers.

9. The city is currently behind the legally mandated timeline to close the jails on Rikers Island

by 2027? Are you committed to this deadline and if so, what will you do to ensure the City

meets it? If not, what steps do you propose taking to reduce incarceration and uphold the

civil rights and human dignity of individuals confined in our City jails, particularly transgender,

gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people?

It is a moral imperative to close Rikers Island. I would use the office of the Comptroller to act

upon the four recommendations of Comptroller Lander’s report “Ensuring Timely Trials”:

1. Establish a formal, coordinated Working Group charged with the explicit goal to reduce

the population at Rikers Island to triage and expedite cases on an ongoing basis and

propose and execute systemic reforms.

2. Adopt enhanced goals to expedite the processing of felony cases in a manner

consistent with national best practices, with a particular focus on reducing case

processing times for long-staying individuals.

3. Invest in and implement 21st Century scheduling software for speedier trials.

4. Implement discovery technology improvements to enhance and expedite access to

NYPD records and case files for prosecutors and defenders.

These points would help expedite the processing times that are dramatically inflating New York

City’s jail population.

10. Do you support the proposed Haven Green development in the Lower East Side, which

would create much-needed housing for LGBTQ+ seniors, among others? What other steps will

you take to address the affordability crisis and increase housing available to New Yorkers,

particularly individuals moving here to escape harmful red-state policies?

We’re in a hair-on-fire housing crisis, and we’ve gotta get affordable housing built, but where we

can we shouldn’t do it at the expense of limited neighborhood green spaces. I’m in favor of the

alternative city-owned site solution that includes the use of 388 Hudson — an empty, city-owned

lot — and other nearby sites to provide up to 5x the amount of affordable housing and additional

public open space while saving Elizabeth Street Garden.

11. What steps are you prepared to take to combat Trump Administration policies that harm

New Yorkers?

Once again, big, bold municipal governments will be on the front lines. We must lead where the

federal government fails. We need to promote affordability by building more housing for all

income levels while strengthening rent regulation. We need to expand subsidized child care

programs that working families can actually afford. We need to ensure our public schools can

continue to provide a robust learning environment for all students, even as Trump moves to

abolish the federal Department of Education.

We must double down on our social safety net with unwavering support for public housing,

hospitals and health initiatives. And we must shield New Yorkers from the worst of Republicans’

assault on our fundamental rights and freedoms: reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights,

protections for immigrants, climate crisis mitigations and resiliency measures, and simple

human decency.

The mayor has vowed to fight for our city’s values amid Trump’s decisive victory. Soon he will

have the chance to prove it. New York City’s economy is undeniably strong. It’s time to end the

doom-and-gloom approach to revenue projections. With Trump back in the White House, New

Yorkers will be up against plenty. Our communities can’t afford another extended game of

chicken where funding for our schools, daycares, libraries, nonprofits, housing vouchers,

homeless services, and other desperately needed supportive programs for low-income and

working class New Yorkers hangs in the balance.

These are uncertain times but I can promise you this: As your Comptroller, I will continue to

stand up for you and your family. We will fight like hell for a city budget that funds our public

education system and our parks, provides food for the hungry, builds affordable housing, and

keeps our neighborhoods safe and clean.

A budget that funds—and pays on time—nonprofits keeping our communities safe and secure,

keeps the doors to our libraries and cultural institutions open to all, and creates an environment

where New Yorkers of all backgrounds can thrive without fear no matter who is in the White


Please answer YES or NO to indicate support for, or opposition to, the following following city

council initiatives:

1. Int. 3093-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation

to access to gender-affirming care facilities and a cause of action related to interference with

gender-affirming care.


2. Int. 3184-A: Local Law in relation to requiring the chair of the commission on gender equity

to develop a plan to support newly arrived migrants 24-years-old and younger and

transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex newly arrived migrants.


3. Int. 3183-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation

to requiring the commissioner of health and mental hygiene to develop a health agenda to

promote the health and wellbeing of transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and

intersex New Yorkers.


4. Int. 3179-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation

to a public information and outreach campaign regarding legal rights and resources available

to Transgender, Gender Non-conforming, and Nonbinary (TGNCNB) individuals.


5. Int. 3105-Oversight: Ensuring Access to Supports for TGNCNB People in New York City.


6. Int. 0149-2024: The Sex Worker Protection Act, championed by LGBTQIA+ Caucus Co-Chair

Council Member Tiffany Cabán, Council Member Crystal Hudson.

No, I am not currently a co-sponsor of this legislation.


● If endorsed, do you commit to using LID’s full logo and full name on all materials and other

places where you list endorsees (with the exception of lists of specific organizations (unions,

etc) or elected officials)?


● Do you commit to using inclusive and gender-neutral language in press releases and other

announcements (e.g., “the people of the..” instead of “the men and women of the...”


Kevin Parker, He/Him
New York City Comptroller

Link to website:


1. Why do you want LID’s endorsement?

I am seeking LID’s endorsement because as the largest LGBTQIA+ political organization in

Brooklyn, I know that LID fights for the same values I stand for which are civil rights,

equality and the education of our voters. I am ready to fight for our shared goals and I

know that with your endorsement, I will be one step closer to doing so.

2. If you have previously held office, describe a time while elected that you advocated and

acted for the LGBTQIA+ community. If you have not held office, describe a time you have

advocated for the LGBTQIA+ community.

I am proud to say that as a New York State Senator, I was a staunch supporter of the New

York Marriage Equality Act and fought for its passage in 2011. This made New York the

first state in the nation to legalize same-sex marriage, and established our state as a

leader in LGBTQIA+ rights. I also advocated for the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination

Act which passed in 2019 and it protects people from discrimination based on their

gender identity or expression. Although these achievements are great, I know there is still

more work to be done in standing with our LGBTQIA+ community.

3. Are you accepting campaign contributions from law enforcement or for profit real



4. Has Mayor Eric Adams met the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community? Please include

“yes” or “no” in your answer.


5. Are you committed to continuing and expanding city support for the Summer Youth

Employment Program Pride initiative (SYEP Pride)?


6. How will you support and empower the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly at this time

when LGBTQIA+ rights, and transgender rights in particular, are under attack


When elected NYC Comptroller, I will support and empower the LGBTQIA+ community

by ensuring that our city invests in initiatives that support equality and inclusion.

7. How will you support and empower marginalized Brooklynites?

I will support and empower marginalized Brooklynites, by using the Office of New York

City Comptroller, to speak out and bring awareness to the issues that are facing these

communities. In addition to this, I will advocate for investments in programs that assist in

supporting these marginalized communities.

8. Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in safeguarding the social safety net for

millions of New Yorkers. Nonprofit organizations, including LGBTQIA+ community

centers, are more than contractors; they are essential partners in addressing

homelessness, hunger, healthcare, education, and more. However, chronic delays in

city payments have left these organizations on the brink of collapse, threatening

the services our most vulnerable residents rely on every day.

Will you commit to prioritizing timely payments to nonprofits, working to break down

bureaucratic barriers that prevent timely payments, supporting financial stability for

nonprofits, and working to uphold our critical NYC safety net?

Yes I do.

9. The city is currently behind the legally mandated timeline to close the jails on Rikers

Island by 2027? Are you committed to this deadline and if so, what will you do to

ensure the City meets it? If not, what steps do you propose taking to reduce

incarceration and uphold the civil rights and human dignity of individuals confined in

our City jails, particularly transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people?

As New York City Comptroller, I will be committed to that deadline and I will use the

office to put pressure on the Mayor as well as city leaders to take steps towards

meeting that deadline.

10. Do you support the proposed Haven Green development in the Lower East Side,

which would create much-needed housing for LGBTQ+ seniors, among others? What

other steps will you take to address the affordability crisis and increase housing

available to New Yorkers, particularly individuals moving here to escape harmful red-

state policies?

As NYC Comptroller, I would support the proposed Haven Green development in the

Lower East Side. Additionally, I would advocate for city spending towards

development plans that would produce affordable housing and ensure that NYCHA

receives a substantial investment to fix many of the problems with their buildings.

11. What steps are you prepared to take to combat Trump Administration policies

that harm New Yorkers?

I am prepared to fight back against the Trump Administration and as NYC

Comptroller I will fight to make sure that not one cent of New York City’s budget is

devoted towards any of his harmful policies.

Please answer YES or NO to indicate support for, or opposition to, the following city council


1. Int. 3093-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in

relation to access to gender-affirming care facilities and a cause of action related to

interference with gender-affirming care.


2. Int. 3184-A: Local Law in relation to requiring the chair of the commission on gender

equity to develop a plan to support newly arrived migrants 24-years-old and

younger and transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex newly

arrived migrants.


3. Int. 3183-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in

relation to requiring the commissioner of health and mental hygiene to develop a

health agenda to promote the health and wellbeing of transgender, gender

nonconforming, nonbinary, and intersex New Yorkers.


4. Int. 3179-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in

relation to a public information and outreach campaign regarding legal rights and

resources available to Transgender, Gender Non-conforming, and Nonbinary

(TGNCNB) individuals.


5. Int. 3105-Oversight: Ensuring Access to Supports for TGNCNB People in New York City.


6. Int. 0149-2024: The Sex Worker Protection Act, championed by LGBTQIA+ Caucus

Co-Chair Council Member Tiffany Cabán, Council Member Crystal Hudson.



● If endorsed, do you commit to using LID’s full logo and full name on all materials and other

places where you list endorsees (with the exception of lists of specific organizations (unions,

etc) or elected officials)?

Yes I do.

● Do you commit to using inclusive and gender-neutral language in press releases and other

announcements (e.g., “the people of the..” instead of “the men and women of the...”

Yes I do.

Khari Edwards (He/Him/His)
Borough President, Brooklyn


1. Why do you want LID’s endorsement?

Securing the endorsement of the Lambda Independent Democrats (LID) of Brooklyn is highly

valuable in the Brooklyn Borough President race. You are a prominent political organization

representing Brooklyn's LGBTQ+ community, and your endorsement will signal strong support

for LGBTQ+ rights and progressive values. Additionally, LID's support can mobilize a significant

voter base, providing a crucial boost in a competitive race.

2. If you have previously held office, describe a time while elected that you advocated and

acted for the LGBTQIA+ community. If you have not held office, describe a time you have

advocated for the LGBTQIA+ community.

I have been a strong advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community throughout my career. One

notable instance was during my tenure as Vice President of External Affairs at Brookdale

Hospital. I spearhead initiatives to ensure that the hospital provided inclusive and equitable

healthcare services to all patients, including those from the LGBTQIA+ community. I worked

to create a welcoming environment and implemented training programs for staff to better

understand and address the unique healthcare needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals. My efforts

helped build trust and improve healthcare access for marginalized groups in Brooklyn.

3. Are you accepting campaign contributions from law enforcement or for profit real


Yes, we are taking money from responsible members of law enforcement and real estate.

4. Has Mayor Eric Adams met the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community? Please include

“yes” or “no” in your answer.

It could be argued that, yes, Mayor Eric Adams has taken steps to address the needs of the

LGBTQIA+ community in New York City based on the financial investments in new and

expanded services for LGBTQ+ New Yorkers. However, some community members feel that

his actions, although positive, are reactive rather than proactive. They argue that more

could be done earlier to prevent the rollback of federal protection and to support

LGBTQIA+ rights more broadly. Additionally, past controversies, such as his appointment of

individuals with anti-LGBTQIA+ views to his administration, have led to lingering distrust

among some activists resulting in an adjustment from “yes” to “no” for this question


5. Are you committed to continuing and expanding city support for the Summer Youth

Employment Program Pride initiative (SYEP Pride)?

I am committed to supporting the expansion of initiatives that benefit the youth within the

LGBTQIA+ community in Brooklyn. My overall dedication to inclusivity and community

support requires that I advocate for the continuation and expansion of the Summer Youth

Employment Program (SYEP) Pride Initiative. My history of promoting equitable

opportunities and fostering community relationships, aligns with the goals of SYEP Pride.

6. How will you support and empower the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly at this time

when LGBTQIA+ rights, and transgender rights in particular, are under attack nationwide?

I am deeply committed to supporting and empowering the LGBTQIA+ community, especially

during these challenging times. I plan to advocate for comprehensive anti-discrimination

legislation at the local and state levels to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their gender

identity or sexual orientation, are protected from discrimination and violence. I also aim to

increase funding for LGBTQIA+ organizations that provide essential services, such as mental

health support, legal assistance, and housing, ensuring these organizations have the resources

they need to operate effectively.

Additionally, I am dedicated to implementing education programs that promote understanding

and acceptance of LGBTQIA+ individuals. This includes training for educators, healthcare

providers, and law enforcement to ensure they are equipped to support and respect LGBTQIA+

people. I also plan to assist in the creation and maintenance of safe spaces where LGBTQIA+

individuals can gather, express themselves, and access support without fear of discrimination or

violence, ensuring their rights are protected and their voices are heard.

7. How will you support and empower marginalized Brooklynites?

It is imperative that every area, from Brownsville to Park Slope and from East New York to

Williamsburg, receives equal attention and investment. We are dedicated to ensuring that the

concerns of residents in Flatbush are addressed with the same urgency and commitment as

those in Cobble Hill. This commitment to equity and inclusion will help foster a community

where every voice is heard and valued.

8. Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in safeguarding the social safety net for millions

of New Yorkers. Nonprofit organizations, including LGBTQIA+ community centers, are more

than contractors; they are essential partners in addressing homelessness, hunger,

healthcare, education, and more. However, chronic delays in city payments have left these

organizations on the brink of collapse, threatening the services our most vulnerable

residents rely on every day.

Will you commit to prioritizing timely payments to nonprofits, working to break down

bureaucratic barriers that prevent timely payments, supporting financial stability for

nonprofits, and working to uphold our critical NYC safety net?

Yes, I am committed to prioritizing timely payments to nonprofits and breaking down

bureaucratic barriers that prevent these payments. I understand the crucial role that

nonprofits play in supporting the community and I am dedicated to ensuring their financial

stability. I plan to streamline processes and advocate for policies that facilitate prompt

payments, reducing the administrative burden on these organizations. Additionally, I am

committed to upholding and strengthening New York City's safety nets by ensuring that

essential services and resources are accessible to all residents.

9. The city is currently behind the legally mandated timeline to close the jails on Rikers Island

by 2027? Are you committed to this deadline and if so, what will you do to ensure the City

meets it? If not, what steps do you propose taking to reduce incarceration and uphold the

civil rights and human dignity of individuals confined in our City jails, particularly

transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people?

I am committed to the legally mandated deadline to close the jails on Rikers Island by 2027. I

believe that closing Rikers is essential for creating a more just and humane criminal justice

system. To ensure that the City meets this deadline, I plan to do my part to expedite the

construction of borough-based jails and outposted therapeutic housing units. I will also

advocate for substantial funding and utilization of initiatives proven to reduce incarceration

and increase community safety, such as supportive housing, community-based mental health

and substance use treatment, pre-trial diversion, and alternative to incarceration programs.

In addition to these measures, I am dedicated to upholding the civil rights and human dignity

of individuals confined in City jails, with a particular focus on transgender, gender

nonconforming, and nonbinary people. I will work to implement policies that ensure safe and

respectful treatment for all individuals, including access to gender-affirming healthcare and

protection from discrimination and violence. My goal is to create a more equitable and

humane criminal justice system in New York City.

10. Do you support the proposed Haven Green development in the Lower East Side, which

would create much-needed housing for LGBTQ+ seniors, among others? What other steps will

you take to address the affordability crisis and increase housing available to New Yorkers,

particularly individuals moving here to escape harmful red-state policies?

I fully support the proposed Haven Green development in the Lower East Side, which aims to

create much-needed housing for LGBTQ+ seniors and other vulnerable populations. This project

aligns with my commitment to ensuring that all New Yorkers, especially those from

marginalized communities, have access to safe and affordable housing.

To address the broader affordability crisis and increase housing availability, I plan to take

several key steps:

1. Expedite Affordable Housing Projects: I will work to streamline the

approval and construction processes for affordable housing developments,

ensuring that projects like Haven Green can move forward without unnecessary


2. Supportive Housing Initiatives: I will advocate for increased funding and

support for supportive housing programs that provide affordable housing and

essential services such as mental health care and substance use treatment.

3. Community-Based Solutions: I will empower community boards and local

organizations to have a greater say in housing development decisions, ensuring

that new projects meet the specific needs of their neighborhoods.

4. Protecting Renters: I will push for stronger tenant protections to prevent

displacement and ensure that renters have stable and secure housing options.

5. Welcoming New Yorkers: Recognizing the influx of individuals moving to

New York to escape harmful policies in other states/countries, I will work to

create a welcoming environment with accessible resources and support

networks for these newcomers.

By implementing these measures, I intend to create a more inclusive and affordable housing

landscape in New York City, ensuring that everyone can thrive.

11. What steps are you prepared to take to combat Trump Administration policies that

harm New Yorkers?

I am committed to combating harmful policies from the Trump Administration that negatively

impact New Yorkers. Here are the steps I plan to take:

1. Advocacy and Legislation: I will work closely with local and state

legislators to pass laws that protect New Yorkers from discriminatory federal

policies. This includes safeguarding LGBTQIA+ rights, immigrant rights, and

access to healthcare.

2. Legal Challenges: I will support and initiate legal challenges against

federal policies that violate the rights of New Yorkers. By collaborating with

advocacy groups and legal experts, we can fight back against unjust regulations

and executive orders.

3. Community Support: I will increase funding for community organizations

that provide essential services to those affected by harmful federal policies. This

includes mental health services, legal assistance, and housing support.

4. Public Awareness Campaigns: I will launch public awareness campaigns

to educate New Yorkers about their rights and the resources available to them.

This will empower individuals to stand up against discrimination and seek the

support they need.

5. Coalition Building: I will build coalitions with other city and state leaders,

as well as national organizations, to create a united front against harmful federal

policies. Together, we can amplify our voices and push for change at the highest


I am determined to do my part to protect the rights and well-being of all New Yorkers,

ensuring that Brooklyn, and our city in general, remains a beacon of inclusivity and justice.

Please answer YES or NO to indicate support for, or opposition to, the following city council


1. Int. 3093-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New

York, in relation to access to gender-affirming care facilities and a cause of action

related to interference with gender-affirming care.


2. Int. 3184-A: Local Law in relation to requiring the chair of the commission on

gender equity to develop a plan to support newly arrived migrants 24-years-old and

younger and transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex newly

arrived migrants.


3. Int. 3183-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York,

in relation to requiring the commissioner of health and mental hygiene to develop a

health agenda to promote the health and wellbeing of transgender, gender

nonconforming, nonbinary, and intersex New Yorkers.


4. Int. 3179-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in

relation to a public information and outreach campaign regarding legal rights and

resources available to Transgender, Gender Non-conforming, and Nonbinary

(TGNCNB) individuals.


5. Int. 3105-Oversight: Ensuring Access to Supports for TGNCNB People in New York City.


6. Int. 0149-2024: The Sex Worker Protection Act, championed by LGBTQIA+ Caucus

Co-Chair Council Member Tiffany Cabán, Council Member Crystal Hudson.



● If endorsed, do you commit to using LID’s full logo and full name on all materials and other

places where you list endorsees (with the exception of lists of specific organizations (unions,

etc) or elected officials)?


● Do you commit to using inclusive and gender-neutral language in press releases and other

announcements (e.g., “the people of the..” instead of “the men and women of the…”



Theo Chino
Public Advocate


1. Why do you want LID’s endorsement?

I am a Socialist, and as a Socialist candidate, I do not seek any endorsement as we are

Socialists from the biggest Socialist network from around the world. Our logo has a

strong history and the brand is recognized around the world:

2. If you have previously held office, describe a time while elected that you advocated

and acted for the LGBTQIA+ community. If you have not held office, describe a time

you have advocated for the LGBTQIA+ community.

I have not personally held office but I am part of the network that brough same sex

marriage around the world.

In 2019, the current Public Advocate used a statement I said at the GMHC Public

Advocate to have me ban from AOC inner circle for his advantage to pick up AOC’s

endorsement. Very few people know that my step dad came out, and died of AIDS in

the late 1990’s.

3. Are you accepting campaign contributionsfrom law enforcement or for-profit real


Yes we do because we are Socialist and we any donation from law enforcement or

for-profit real estate is a donation to the Social Democratic platform and not to a

donation to corrupt the candidates.

4. Has Mayor Eric Adams met the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community? Please include

“yes” or “no” in your answer.


I do not believe he has. He has not met the need of any community except the billionaire


5. Are you committed to continuing and expanding city support for the Summer Youth

Employment Program Pride initiative (SYEP Pride)?

Yes. What are the problem currently facing SYEP Pride?

6. How will you support and empower the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly at thistime

when LGBTQIA+ rights, and transgender rights in particular, are under attack


I’ll leave SDA Paperboy Love Prince guide the LGBTQIA+ community as SDA works as a


7. How will you support and empower marginalized Brooklynites?

I’ll leave SDA Paperboy Love Prince guide the Brooklyn marginalized community as SDA

works as a team.

8. Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in safeguarding the social safety net for

millions of New Yorkers. Nonprofit organizations, including LGBTQIA+ community

centers, are more than contractors; they are essential partners in addressing

homelessness, hunger, healthcare, education, and more. However, chronic delays in

city payments have left these organizations on the brink of collapse, threatening the

services our most vulnerable residents rely on every day.

We are Socialists; therefore, we believe that the Government should make life

bearable for all and ensure citizens' Liberties.

Nonprofit organizations are there to bridge the gap over the failure of the

government and should not be providing service that the government should be

providing to all the citizens.

Nonprofit substituting for the Government services is a method for the Billionaire

class to keep the marginalized busy and the non-profit donnors as a feel-good

mechanism for their ego.

Will you commit to prioritizing timely payments to nonprofits, working to break down


bureaucratic barriers that prevent timely payments, supporting financial stability for

nonprofits, and working to uphold our critical NYC safety net?

Yes on the service provided, but they should be given as grants, and the services should

not be critical.

9. The city is currently behind the legally mandated timeline to close the jails on Rikers

Island by 2027? Are you committed to this deadline and if so, what will you do to

ensure the City meets it?

I never believed that Rikers should be closed but it should be transformed as a model

of rehabilitation using a much gentler approach.

As a Socialist, we need to reimagine our carceral realities, but jail is an unfortunate

necessity of Society as we know that some citizens need to be locked up, but we can’t

throw the key and forget about them.

If not, what steps do you propose taking to reduce incarceration and uphold the civil

rights and human dignity of individuals confined in our City jails, particularly

transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people?

LGBTQIA+ are not immune from committing criminal acts and must be punished like

everyone else in the population. However, their identity should not be an additional

sentence for the crime they committed.

10. Do you support the proposed Haven Green development in the Lower East Side, which

would create much-needed housing for LGBTQ+ seniors, among others? What other

steps will you take to address the affordability crisis and increase housing available to

New Yorkers, particularly individuals moving here to escape harmful red-state


Damn if you do, damn if you don’t. I would like to sit with both groups outside

questionnaires but none of them answered my invitation to sit down. As Socialists, we

believe in the Justice system and let the lawyers from both groups become rich over

their petty fight.

When they decide to sit we me, I’ll have a position.


11. Whatsteps are you prepared to take to combat Trump Administration policiesthat

harm New Yorkers?

We need to be real, even tough Donald Trump is a fascist, they hold every piece of

government, on the federal level, they have the majority of the three branches,

they have a majority of state executive and legislative.

The only resistance that is available is civic education, and learning how to

participate in democratic process.

Liberals need to reclaim the Republican Party instead of fighting the Socialists on

their left.

Please answer YES or NO to indicate support for, or opposition to, the following following city

council initiatives:

1. Int. 3093-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in

relation to access to gender-affirming care facilities and a cause of action related to

interference with gender-affirming care.


2. Int. 3184-A: Local Law in relation to requiring the chair of the commission on gender

equity to develop a plan to support newly arrived migrants 24-years-old and younger

and transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex newly arrived



3. Int. 3183-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in

relation to requiring the commissioner of health and mental hygiene to develop a

health agenda to promote the health and wellbeing of transgender, gender

nonconforming, nonbinary, and intersex New Yorkers.


4. Int. 3179-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in

relation to a public information and outreach campaign regarding legal rights and

resources available to Transgender, Gender Non-conforming, and Nonbinary (TGNCNB)




5. Int. 3105-Oversight: Ensuring Access to Supports for TGNCNB People in New York City.


6. Int. 0149-2024: The Sex Worker Protection Act, championed by LGBTQIA+ Caucus

Co-Chair Council Member Tiffany Cabán, Council Member Crystal Hudson.

NO, but the Public Advocate don’t vote.

Sex Work is NOT a hospitality job, or that is learned as a career but a trade that is taken

as a desperate move for survival that is beyond the human dignity. Nobody should sell

their bodies for survival. I would like to see a real alternative from the populist left



● If endorsed, do you commit to using LID’s full logo and full name on all materials and

other places where you list endorsees (with the exception of lists of specific

organizations (unions, etc) or elected officials)?

Yes, but you are endorsing an organization, not a candidate.

● Do you commit to using inclusive and gender-neutral language in press releases and

other announcements (e.g., “the people of the..” instead of “the men and women of


No, I do not commit to using inclusive language. Humanity is made up of a diversity of

people, but gendered language is also important. Socialism is about the inclusiveness

of the minorities, but not the dictatorship of the minority over the majority.

The reason I don’t use pronouns is that my sexual identity is private. I am for the

abolition of the gender mark from all administrative forms, except birth certificate.

Maya Kornberg, She/Her/Hers
City Council District 39



1). Why do you want LID’s endorsement?

I would be honored to receive the endorsement of Lambda Independent Democrats

because it’s an organization that embodies many of the values I hold dear: acceptance,

tolerance, equality, and relentlessly standing against bigotry, hate, and violence. I, like

many allies, have been devastated and enraged by the Trump Administration's assault

on the LGBTQIA+ community and will stand in solidarity with LID and our LGBTQIA+

neighbors whether I receive this endorsement or not.

2). If you have previously held office, describe a time while elected that you

advocated and acted for the LGBTQIA+ community. If you have not held office,

describe a time you have advocated for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Some of my work has focused on political violence targeting candidates and electeds,

and the disparate impact of violence on candidates and electeds from marginalized

groups (including people of color, women, young people, members of the LGBTQIA+

community, and religious and ethnic minorities). I led research that raised awareness of

this issue and my team has successfully advocated for policy changes and changes to

campaign finance laws to support these groups. Up until going on maternity leave in

October 2024, I co-chaired the women and gender equity Employee Resource Group

(ERG) at the Brennan center, where we build community and advocate for staff who

identify as women or non-binary.

3). Are you accepting campaign contributions from law enforcement or for-profit

real estate?

I am not accepting campaign contributions from law enforcement or for-profit real estate

organizations or companies, Developers, lobbyists, or any corporate PACs.


4). Has Mayor Eric Adams met the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community? Please

include “yes” or “no” in your answer.

No, I don’t believe that Mayor Eric Adams has done all that he should have to meet the

needs of the LGBTQIA+ community in New York City. One prime example is his

administration’s attempt to reduce city funding for the HIV and AIDS programs.

5). Are you committed to continuing and expanding city support for the Summer

Youth Employment Program Pride Initiative (SYEP Pride)?

If elected, I will work to continue and expand city support for the Summer Youth

Employment Program Pride initiative.

6). How will you support and empower the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly at

this time when LGBTQIA+ rights, and transgender rights in particular, are under

attack nationwide?

The Trump Administration has launched a disgusting assault on the LGBTQIA+

community with a particular fixation on the transgender community. It is crucial that we

not only stand strongly against any attempt to bring the MAGA-driven discrimination and

violence against our LGBTQIA+ neighbors to NYC and District 39, but that we actively

show support and allyship with the LGBTQIA+ community. This includes increased

tracking and prosecution of hate crimes against members of the LGBTQIA+ community,

as well as strongly calling out any acts of hate and discrimination. Furthermore, we

need to shore up funding for AIDS and HIV prevention and treatment at the city level in

the event the Trump Administration sets their sights on cutting federal funds for these

lifesaving programs.

7). How will you support and empower marginalized Brooklynites?

As a professor, I taught my students American political development, and history

teaches that discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender identity, and sexual

orientation are baked into many of our institutions. The work of elected representatives

is to operate with an understanding of systemic obstacles that face marginalized

communities in this country. We must work to lift up underrepresented voices. As an

advocate, I work on creating these pipelines and promoting racial justice and gender

equity. As a City Council Member, I will remain committed to the work of dismantling

systems of oppression.


8). Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in safeguarding the social safety net

for millions of New Yorkers. Nonprofit organizations, including LGBTQIA+

community centers, are more than contractors; they are essential partners in

addressing homelessness, hunger, healthcare, education, and more. However,

chronic delays in city payments have left these organizations on the brink of

collapse, threatening the services our most vulnerable residents rely on every


Will you commit to prioritizing timely payments to nonprofits, working to break

down bureaucratic barriers that prevent timely payments, supporting financial

stability for nonprofits, and working to uphold our critical NYC safety net?

Yes, absolutely.

9). The city is currently behind the legally mandated timeline to close the jails on

Rikers Island by 2027? Are you committed to this deadline and if so, what will you

do to ensure the City meets it? If not, what steps do you propose taking to reduce

incarceration and uphold the civil rights and human dignity of individuals

confined in our City jails, particularly transgender, gender nonconforming, and

nonbinary people?

I believe our incarceration system in this country is shameful and, in many cases,

inhumane. I support the plan to close Rikers Island by 2027 and instead build more

humane borough-based alternatives. I will be a dogged representative who can take on

any mayoral administration to hold their feet to the fire to meet the required deadline,

while also working with them to get concrete information on delays and how to get the

closing back on track.

10). Do you support the proposed Haven Green development in the Lower East

Side, which would create much-needed housing for LGBTQ+ seniors, among

others? What other steps will you take to address the affordability crisis and

increase housing available to New Yorkers, particularly individuals moving here

to escape harmful red-state Policies?

I fully support the proposed Haven Green development, and I think the housing that it

provided for LGBTQ+ seniors is essential. As a renter, I feel the effects of the

affordable housing crisis. The shortage of affordable housing in NYC is a crucial issue

and addressing it is a top priority of mine. I’m excited that we passed City of Yes, and

think it is a first step in addressing the housing crisis. We must continue to prioritize

building new housing that centers sustainability and takes a creative approach to mixing

residential and commercial buildings to meet community needs. NYCHA plays a pivotal

role in providing affordable housing units for disadvantaged and underserved

communities. Legislative oversight has been a focus of my work as a political scientist


and advocate. The City Council must play an active role in making sure that NYCHA

adequately delivers its services to residents and has the funds to both build new

affordable units and repair current units to the standard of living that residents deserve.

We need to build off of the progress achieved through programs like the Public Housing

Preservation Trust and City of Yes to continue to find creative solutions to build new

affordable housing units and maintain those already in existence. As a City Council

Member, I will work tirelessly to build legislative coalitions with colleagues and work with

the community to address this crisis and create responsive solutions.

11). What steps are you prepared to take to combat Trump Administration policies

that harm New Yorkers?

I recently released a plan to fight Trump here at home in NYC:

Trump took office and immediately took aim at our basic rights and values. I’ve spent

my career protecting our democracy. As your Council Member, I’ll continue standing up

to Trump and fighting to protect our democracy from City Hall. We must invest in our

schools and healthcare system, build robust civic engagement to restore trust in

government, organize for action, and protect our immigrant neighbors. We don’t have a

minute to waste. It’s time to take the fight to Trump.

Trump has threatened to dissolve the Department of Education and stop critical

conversations about issues like race from taking place in classrooms. But Washington

only provides between a tenth and quarter of funding for K-12 education. I know as an

educator that civic education is the bedrock of democracy. We must invest in our

schools, protect students from Trump’s immigration policies, and make sure classrooms

remain a place for critical thought and culturally responsive pedagogy.

Trump has directed agencies to roll back critical policies designed to limit CO2

emissions, and he revoked Biden’s plan to ensure half of all new vehicles are electric.

As with education, a majority of transportation infrastructure does not come from the

federal budget. We need to create a safe, accessible subway system; invest in bike

lanes; and promote sustainable building. We must protect congestion pricing and

double down on policies that support a growing population and plan for a warming


Trump says repealing the Affordable Care Act is one of his key priorities, and he has

threatened to further limit access to abortion by doing things like reinstating the 19th

Century Comstock Act (which bans the mailing of abortion pills). I’ve been teaching

about the Comstock Act for years now in my American political development course.

The original act directly targeted immigrant communities, women, and other

marginalized groups, and this reinstatement would do the same. We have to make sure


that everyone has access to healthcare, which is a basic human right. And we have to

invest in women’s health, reproductive health, and maternal health as we face an attack

on women that disproportionately targets women of color.

Trump is undermining trust in our democratic institutions. When the President claims

that our election was rigged and breaks down basic checks and balances, he is

endangering the one thing all democracies rely on: trust. Research tells us that

Americans don’t think our institutions matter and don’t think politicians are listening to

them. I know from my work promoting responsive lawmaking in states, in Congress, and

in legislatures around the world that rebuilding trust in government is the most important

way to protect our democracy. Programs like participatory budgeting, platforms that

allow citizens to take an active part in legislation, inclusive town halls designed to meet

everyone, and civic education programs are more important than ever.

Trump is trying to seize more power for the presidency. I’ve studied Congress my entire

career, and the era most similar to this one is the Watergate era. Like Trump, Nixon

spied on citizens, used agencies to retaliate against political enemies, and lied to

Congress. In the election after the Watergate scandal, over 90 new members of

Congress were elected, and many of them ran to create change. In the 1970s,

Congress passed campaign finance reform, solidified their “power of the purse”, limited

presidential power in foreign wars, and made dramatic changes to legislative procedure.

We must similarly use this moment of profound disappointment as a catalyst for making

a more equitable and just city and country.

Trump is attacking the core of what makes NYC great. This is a city of immigrants. I’m

the proud granddaughter of immigrants who came to NYC because they were fleeing

discrimination. We need to expand legal services, rapid response, and language access

for immigrant communities; expand Temporary Protected Status; and make sure that

schools, hospitals, and other key community institutions are safe for all. Racism and

xenophobia are not new in this country, and we can learn from how marginalized groups

have rallied together in the past. We must get organized, get active, and band together

to protect our immigrant neighbors.

Please answer YES or NO to indicate support for, or opposition to, the following

city council initiatives:


1). Int. 3093-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New

York, in relation to access to gender-affirming care facilities and a cause of action

related to interference with gender-affirming care.


2). Int. 3184-A: Local Law in relation to requiring the chair of the commission on

gender equity to develop a plan to support newly arrived migrants 24-years-old

and younger and transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex

newly arrived migrants.


3). Int. 3183-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New

York, in relation to requiring the commissioner of health and mental hygiene to

develop a health agenda to promote the health and wellbeing of transgender,

gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and intersex New Yorkers.


4). Int. 3179-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New

York, in relation to a public information and outreach campaign regarding legal

rights and resources available to Transgender, Gender Non-conforming, and

Nonbinary (TGNCNB) individuals.


5). Int. 3105-Oversight: Ensuring Access to Supports for TGNCNB People in New

York City.


6. Int. 0149-2024: The Sex Worker Protection Act, championed by LGBTQIA+

Caucus Co-Chair Council Member Tiffany Cabán, Council Member Crystal





If endorsed, do you commit to using LID’s full logo and full name on all materials

and other places where you list endorsees (with the exception of lists of specific

organizations (unions, etc) or elected officials)?


Do you commit to using inclusive and gender-neutral language in press releases

and other announcements (e.g., “the people of the..” instead of “the men and

women of the...”