Theo Chino
Public Advocate
1. Why do you want LID’s endorsement?
I am a Socialist, and as a Socialist candidate, I do not seek any endorsement as we are
Socialists from the biggest Socialist network from around the world. Our logo has a
strong history and the brand is recognized around the world:
2. If you have previously held office, describe a time while elected that you advocated
and acted for the LGBTQIA+ community. If you have not held office, describe a time
you have advocated for the LGBTQIA+ community.
I have not personally held office but I am part of the network that brough same sex
marriage around the world.
In 2019, the current Public Advocate used a statement I said at the GMHC Public
Advocate to have me ban from AOC inner circle for his advantage to pick up AOC’s
endorsement. Very few people know that my step dad came out, and died of AIDS in
the late 1990’s.
3. Are you accepting campaign contributionsfrom law enforcement or for-profit real
Yes we do because we are Socialist and we any donation from law enforcement or
for-profit real estate is a donation to the Social Democratic platform and not to a
donation to corrupt the candidates.
4. Has Mayor Eric Adams met the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community? Please include
“yes” or “no” in your answer.
I do not believe he has. He has not met the need of any community except the billionaire
5. Are you committed to continuing and expanding city support for the Summer Youth
Employment Program Pride initiative (SYEP Pride)?
Yes. What are the problem currently facing SYEP Pride?
6. How will you support and empower the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly at thistime
when LGBTQIA+ rights, and transgender rights in particular, are under attack
I’ll leave SDA Paperboy Love Prince guide the LGBTQIA+ community as SDA works as a
7. How will you support and empower marginalized Brooklynites?
I’ll leave SDA Paperboy Love Prince guide the Brooklyn marginalized community as SDA
works as a team.
8. Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in safeguarding the social safety net for
millions of New Yorkers. Nonprofit organizations, including LGBTQIA+ community
centers, are more than contractors; they are essential partners in addressing
homelessness, hunger, healthcare, education, and more. However, chronic delays in
city payments have left these organizations on the brink of collapse, threatening the
services our most vulnerable residents rely on every day.
We are Socialists; therefore, we believe that the Government should make life
bearable for all and ensure citizens' Liberties.
Nonprofit organizations are there to bridge the gap over the failure of the
government and should not be providing service that the government should be
providing to all the citizens.
Nonprofit substituting for the Government services is a method for the Billionaire
class to keep the marginalized busy and the non-profit donnors as a feel-good
mechanism for their ego.
Will you commit to prioritizing timely payments to nonprofits, working to break down
bureaucratic barriers that prevent timely payments, supporting financial stability for
nonprofits, and working to uphold our critical NYC safety net?
Yes on the service provided, but they should be given as grants, and the services should
not be critical.
9. The city is currently behind the legally mandated timeline to close the jails on Rikers
Island by 2027? Are you committed to this deadline and if so, what will you do to
ensure the City meets it?
I never believed that Rikers should be closed but it should be transformed as a model
of rehabilitation using a much gentler approach.
As a Socialist, we need to reimagine our carceral realities, but jail is an unfortunate
necessity of Society as we know that some citizens need to be locked up, but we can’t
throw the key and forget about them.
If not, what steps do you propose taking to reduce incarceration and uphold the civil
rights and human dignity of individuals confined in our City jails, particularly
transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people?
LGBTQIA+ are not immune from committing criminal acts and must be punished like
everyone else in the population. However, their identity should not be an additional
sentence for the crime they committed.
10. Do you support the proposed Haven Green development in the Lower East Side, which
would create much-needed housing for LGBTQ+ seniors, among others? What other
steps will you take to address the affordability crisis and increase housing available to
New Yorkers, particularly individuals moving here to escape harmful red-state
Damn if you do, damn if you don’t. I would like to sit with both groups outside
questionnaires but none of them answered my invitation to sit down. As Socialists, we
believe in the Justice system and let the lawyers from both groups become rich over
their petty fight.
When they decide to sit we me, I’ll have a position.
11. Whatsteps are you prepared to take to combat Trump Administration policiesthat
harm New Yorkers?
We need to be real, even tough Donald Trump is a fascist, they hold every piece of
government, on the federal level, they have the majority of the three branches,
they have a majority of state executive and legislative.
The only resistance that is available is civic education, and learning how to
participate in democratic process.
Liberals need to reclaim the Republican Party instead of fighting the Socialists on
their left.
Please answer YES or NO to indicate support for, or opposition to, the following following city
council initiatives:
1. Int. 3093-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in
relation to access to gender-affirming care facilities and a cause of action related to
interference with gender-affirming care.
2. Int. 3184-A: Local Law in relation to requiring the chair of the commission on gender
equity to develop a plan to support newly arrived migrants 24-years-old and younger
and transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex newly arrived
3. Int. 3183-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in
relation to requiring the commissioner of health and mental hygiene to develop a
health agenda to promote the health and wellbeing of transgender, gender
nonconforming, nonbinary, and intersex New Yorkers.
4. Int. 3179-A: Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in
relation to a public information and outreach campaign regarding legal rights and
resources available to Transgender, Gender Non-conforming, and Nonbinary (TGNCNB)
5. Int. 3105-Oversight: Ensuring Access to Supports for TGNCNB People in New York City.
6. Int. 0149-2024: The Sex Worker Protection Act, championed by LGBTQIA+ Caucus
Co-Chair Council Member Tiffany Cabán, Council Member Crystal Hudson.
NO, but the Public Advocate don’t vote.
Sex Work is NOT a hospitality job, or that is learned as a career but a trade that is taken
as a desperate move for survival that is beyond the human dignity. Nobody should sell
their bodies for survival. I would like to see a real alternative from the populist left
● If endorsed, do you commit to using LID’s full logo and full name on all materials and
other places where you list endorsees (with the exception of lists of specific
organizations (unions, etc) or elected officials)?
Yes, but you are endorsing an organization, not a candidate.
● Do you commit to using inclusive and gender-neutral language in press releases and
other announcements (e.g., “the people of the..” instead of “the men and women of
No, I do not commit to using inclusive language. Humanity is made up of a diversity of
people, but gendered language is also important. Socialism is about the inclusiveness
of the minorities, but not the dictatorship of the minority over the majority.
The reason I don’t use pronouns is that my sexual identity is private. I am for the
abolition of the gender mark from all administrative forms, except birth certificate.