Brooklyn LGBTQ Democratic Leaders Celebrate Historic Rule Change that Repeals the Democratic Party’s Gender Binary Requirement and Allow Nonbinary and TGNC People to Run for Party Office

“Today is a proud day in the history of the Brooklyn Democratic Party and for reform advocates,” said Jared Arader, President of the Lambda Independent Democrats (LID) of Brooklyn, the borough’s only LGBTQ political club and a member of the gender discrimination and inclusion task force. “But we cannot forget and erase what got us here: for nearly a century, our party systematically excluded those who did not fit in to a binary gender role. Since its inception in 1978, LID has worked to break down barriers to inclusion posed for members of our community in local politics. While we are glad to see this barrier fall, we cannot take for granted that it no longer exists - we must do the work of centering TGNCNB people in local politics and ensuring fairness and representation exists.”

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The Devil is in the details: Why We Voted No

On Sunday, November 29, a temporary proposal to include 4 gender neutral County Committee seats in each Brooklyn assembly district was passed by the County Party’s Executive Committee (the entity composed of our elected District Leaders).

Though the proposal was passed, several LGBTQ and allied district leaders voted no. We want you to know why, and why voting no was the right thing to do.

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